Scientist, Author, Speaker

Cosmic Landscape; Quantum Decor; Mathematical Truth In the Order of Reality; How We Ourselves Fit and Continue

(The above talk: TEDx St. Louis University, "The Nature of Reality; Window of Mathematics, and Observations of Physics," January 2016)

A recent talk at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific annual meeting

Academic background:

D.Phil/PhD. (Biophysics/Biochemistry)
Oxford University, UK, 1994-1998.

Post-doctoral research (Computational biophysics)
National Institutes of Health, 1998-2003.

Assistant research professor (Theoretical thermodynamics)
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 2003-2010.

Adjunct faculty (Biophysics)
Washington University, St Louis, 2010.

Book "Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?"

        Researched and taught in broad areas of biophysics, including theoretical thermodynamics, molecular mechanics, drug design, mathematical biology and on how the laws of physics are implemented in biology at atomic levels. The scientific articles on these topics can be accessed from the ‘Publications’ link below.

       Provided training and conducted courses on current topics such as Protein electrostatics and thermodynamics of protein structure, function and interactions.

        "Until recently I researched in the fields of biophysics, basically on how the laws of physics implement in biological systems toward understanding molecular processes in atomic details. After coming across of how beautifully mathematics and physics lead us to the ultimate fabric of reality I realized that there is nothing else I can do than to learn more about the intricacies of the all-encompassing universe from the perspectives that physical sciences offer."

Copyright @ 2016 by Neeti Sinha. All rights reserved.