Grothendieck’s Deep Visions

Alexander Grothendieck isn’t a household name in academic community, and at a general level hardly anyone would ever have heard of him. Among mathematicians he dwelt as persona of profound brilliance and finesse, colored with uncanny idiosyncratic taints. Not just efficient in clearing up of the most convoluted mathematical renderings, he held clear workings of the most abstractly mathematical landscapes—of algebraic geometry and topology—and advanced them to the level of fathomable depictions for us all.

As in many cases in the modern history, his deep mathematical insights seemingly came with a price. Apart from deep-seated crannies of complex mathematics, he, seemingly by choice, remained mostly disconnected from anything in the rest of the world, even the simpler branches of mathematics.

I read somewhere an anecdote about him on prime numbers, which he chose not to be worthy of attention. He apparently addressed, hopefully unwittingly,  number 57 to be a prime number, which it isn’t (it factorizes to 3 and 19, and is thus not a prime number). Since then in mathematics community 57 is referred as Grothendieck’s prime.

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Neeti Sinha

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